Registration for the Private Classes starts on Sunday, 25 Sep at 12:00 (noon).
Please purchase 100% of your Party Pass and stay logged in to make sure it's active for you.
Have you ever dreamt of dancing and making friends with the top instructors?
Jessica Miller & William FultonLondon, United Kingdom |
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Jessy Miller was classically trained in Ballet and Tap before finding her passion in Lindy Hop at the age of 19. It was initially her mother who wanted to start a new hobby and wanted company. Instead it was Jessy who fell in love with the culture and the music of the dance.
Jessy & Will train as much as they can and social dance as often as possible in London. In London, she is part of the London Jazz Works team, running socials and performances and teaching regular classes.
Will spent his pre-dance years in the world of professional rugby and tries to bring that same work ethic and energy to his dancing. Will with Jessy teaches classes and weekend workshops in their home city of London. A melting pot of creativity, the city offers endless inspiration to dancers and it has hugely shaped Will’s dancing. While Will tries his best to soak up as much of London’s dance scene as he can, he also travels abroad regularly to learn, compete and take in new ideas. You can expect Will’s teaching to focus on clean basics, interesting rhythms and power moves.
Isabel Gregori & Víctor LópezValencia, Spain |
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Isa and Víctor discovered Lindy Hop in the fall of 2014 and the swing bug bit them both from the very beginning.
They have been teachers of Black Bottom Studio (Valencia) since 2016. That’s why they have been attending swing events intensively since 2015, in order to improve and learn as much as possible. That feeling, still with them, is what keeps them motivated.
Isa and Victor believe that as guests in this African American dance, it’s essential to work hard in order to understand the values and history that comes with this culture.
Apart from her endless energy, Isa is well known for her everlasting smile and the passion she throws into her dance. Isa loves to immerse herself in the vast possibilities of swing culture in order to understand the roots of this dance.
What stands out in Víctor's dance are his team player skills. During the dance he focuses on taking care of his partner while paying a lot of attention to communicate the song’s rhythm through his body. When he’s not dancing he likes to spend time playing the piano and the guitar.
Their energy and good vibes in the dance floor and at their classes are contagious.
Eglė Nemickaitė & Arnas RazgūnasVilnius, Lithuania |
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Eglė Nemickaitė is a swing dancer from Vilnius, Lithuania where she is dancing, performing, teaching and inspiring the community at What a Jazz dance studio everyday. Dance followed Eglė through all her life, but she found the real passion for Lindy Hop and later on for Collegiate Shag too.
Dance has always felt like a big liberation for Eglė. Liberation from routines, thoughts, work, limits. Dancing makes her feel true to herself, music and partner. It gives her the power of total freedom and also a peace to the mind, body and heart.
Her rich teaching experience is being increasingly appreciated at the international workshops as well. She shares her enormous passion towards a dance with great joy and commitment.
Arnas Razgūnas is a devoted swing dancer and teacher. True social dancer and explorer who often gets lost to surprise himself and discover things he didn’t think he could do.
Acknowledged jazz enthusiast inspired mostly by African American vernacular jazz art forms and energetic effortless swinging music Arnas is actively seeking for deep understanding of what’s swing in music and dance. Rich experience in teaching weekly local classes grants quality and fun with clear explanation of his material by expressing music and yourself in it.
Arnas is a co-founder of What a Jazz Dance Studio and co-organizer of Balboa & Shag festival in Vilnius, Lithuania – Swing Paradise.
Now you can!
All you have to do is:
Book a class, choosing the teachers and the date.
Declare the group size and purchase the class.
Fill in the list of paricipants and enjoy your time with the teachers!
Registration for the Private Classes starts on Sunday, 25 Sep at 12:00 (noon).
Please purchase 100% of your Party Pass and stay logged in to make sure it's active for you.
Note that the Private Classes take place in various localizations!
Take that into account when signing up for the PCs.
Friday 7th | ||
Jessy & Will Retro Dance Studio (ul. Wielka 19) |
Isa & Víctor Dom Żołnierza (ul. Niezłomnych 1) |
Eglė & Arnas Dom Żołnierza (ul. Niezłomnych 1) |
Saturday 8th | ||
Jessy & Will Retro Dance Studio (ul. Wielka 19) |
Isa & Víctor Dom Żołnierza (ul. Niezłomnych 1) |
Eglė & Arnas Dom Żołnierza (ul. Niezłomnych 1) |
Sunday 9th | ||
Jessy & Will Retro Dance Studio (ul. Wielka 19) |
Isa & Víctor Retro Dance Studio (ul. Wielka 19) |
Eglė & Arnas Retro Dance Studio (ul. Wielka 19) |
[Lindy Hop] Your own topic
You decide.
[Lindy Hop] Power Charleston
We love Charleston! Learn to love Charleston and dance with precision, control and power.
[Lindy Hop] Level up your Social Dancing
Learn to add dynamics into your social dancing using triple steps, ballrooms, and other techniques.
[Lindy Hop] Musicality
Learn to recognise where you are in the music and react accordingly!
[Lindy Hop] Spins, turns and rotation
Learn to add rotations and turns into our dancing to get that flowy, juicy feeling.
[Lindy Hop] Fast dancing
Learn tips and tricks to handle speedy tempos!
[Lindy Hop] Barrel Rolls
All of our favourite barrel rolls in one class!
[Lindy Hop] Drags and tricks
Learn some small flashy tricks which work on the social dance floor.
[Lindy Hop] Adding solo into your dancing
Add rhythms and solo dancing into your dancing and learn when to come back together.
[Lindy Hop] Advanced Redirects
Explore the flow of redirects and the beautiful feeling they can add to your dancing.
[Lindy Hop] Swing out Clinic
Let’s talk about the swing out, and what feels good for you! We will share tips that works for us and help smooth out those tricky moments.
[Lindy Hop] London Style
The scene in London is thriving and we want to share what we believe defines the London style.
[Lindy Hop] Your own topic
You decide.
[Lindy Hop] Getting inspired by the Nicholas Brothers
One of our main sources of inspiration are, without a doubt, the Nicholas brothers. In this class we will be studying some of their moves and rhythms and applying them into our Lindy Hop dancing.
[Lindy Hop] Víctor and Isa favourites
In this class we'll focus on our favorite moves and shapes and we'll work on how you can use them in your social dancing.
[Lindy Hop] Fast lindy
Up for a challenge? Who doesn't love swinging out when Jumping at the Woodside sounds? In this class we'll give you the tips that we use to be able to dance at high tempos.
[Lindy Hop] Let's perform a Show
Ok, here is the idea: we'd love to perform with you, so we'd like to prepare a show with all the people who enroll in this class and perform it at Saturday's party. You'll learn the routine that we've created and see how the show is prepared to be done on the stage.
[Lindy Hop] Texas, Tommy and friends
Let's play with Texas, Tommy and his friends :-D We'll revisit the basic Texas Tommy and work on some of the possibilities that this move has to offer.
[Lindy Hop] Rhythm up your Lindy basics
Do you think you already master the "basics" Rhythms in your dancing? In this class we'll share with you the way we spice up our Lindy hop basics with some extra sounds.
[Lindy Hop] Your own topic
You decide.
[Lindy Hop] Inspiration from the old-timers
Variations from dancers like Charlie Meade and George Lloyd.
[Lindy Hop] Diving deep into our swingouts
The ways to connect with different partners, tempos. How to move comfortably and creatively.
[Lindy Hop] Close position comfort
Close-embrace turns and different rhythms to lead and follow.
[Lindy Hop] Connection and body match
Different exercises to better connect to your partner.
[Lindy Hop] All the kicks
Slow and fast movement while kicking around, different kick-step moves and combos.
[Collegiate Shag] Your own topic
You decide.
[Collegiate Shag] Footworks outside the basic rhythm
Playing with triplets, skating-step while keeping the connection and flow.
[Collegiate Shag] Sugar Push: connection, comfort and possibilities
Different aesthetics of Sugar Push, different variations and possible comfortable endings.
[Collegiate Shag] Micro and macro musicality
Basic and not so basic musicality, playing around with basic music structure and accents in the melody on different counts.
[Collegiate Shag] Hand to hand cross-kicks variations
Connection and footwork.
[Collegiate Shag] Counter-balance and connection
The theory of how we connect with the partner and make the dance comfortable.
Registration for the Private Classes starts on Sunday, 25 Sep at 12:00 (noon).
Please purchase 100% of your Party Pass and stay logged in to make sure it's active for you.
Questions? Doubts?